Media Release – Vaxxas wins Company of the Year in Queensland life sciences awards

Angus Forster, Vaxxas Chief Technology Officer, accepting the LSQ Silverstone Company of the Year Award. Left to Right: Dr Erin Evans, CEO Life Sciences Queensland; Angus Forster, Vaxxas Chief Technology Officer; Anthony Fanning, Silverstone Development Manager - Healthcare.

Brisbane biotech company Vaxxas has won a second major award in a month, taking out the Life Sciences Queensland (LSQ) Silverstone Developments Company of the Year award.

In their 15th year, the LSQ GENE Awards are the state’s major life sciences awards, and include six categories that recognise excellence within the sector that feeds, fuels and heals Queensland.

Vaxxas won the Company of the Year Award in recognition of its significant advancements in developing a needle-free vaccine patch, with its programs drawing millions of dollars into Queensland to support research, engineering and manufacturing jobs and positioning the state as a biotech capital.

The Vaxxas vaccine skin patch has potential to transform the way vaccines are delivered worldwide, as it can be self-administered, does not need to be cold transported and results in more efficient delivery of vaccines, using less vaccine for the same result.

Vaxxas is a University of Queensland (UQ) start up, and joined three other University of Queensland (UQ) winners on stage at the awards, with other winners from James Cook University and the University of Southern Queensland.

Last month Vaxxas was named winner of the ISPT Investment in Brisbane Award, in the Lord Mayor’s Business Awards.

The other five GENE Award winners were:

  • Dr Sonia Shah, National Heart Foundation Future Leader and Group Leader at the UQ Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
    – Rose-Anne Kelso Commemorative Award, which was created by LSQ and Stockwell in memory of Rose-Anne Kelso to recognise an individual woman's endeavours, passion and dedication to the health and life sciences industry.
  • Vicebio, a UQ (UniQuest) start up
    ­– LSQ Radium Capital Emerging Innovator Award, which recognises early-stage ventures operating in the life sciences sector that have shown remarkable dedication and innovation in their research and development endeavours.
  • Professor Gavin Ash, Executive Director of the Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment at the University of Southern Queensland
    – LSQ Merck Life Science Rural and Regional Service Award, for his dedication that has contributed to the ongoing success and sustainability of regional Queensland’s life sciences industry
  • Professor Sabina Knight, Director of the Centre for Rural and Remote Health at James Cook University
    – LSQ QIMR Berghofer Woman of Influence award for her endeavours, passion and dedication to the life sciences over her career.
  • Associate Professor Mark Smythe, CEO of Infensa and Principal Research Fellow and Group Leader at IMB
    LSQ McCullough Robertson Industry Excellence Award, in recognition of his significant impact on the success of the Queensland life sciences industry.

Life Sciences Queensland (LSQ) CEO Dr Erin Evans congratulated the winners, and said the awards continued to grow, with strong nominations across every category.

“We were delighted by the incredibly high standard demonstrated by our finalists, showcasing the innovative and important work being done in Queensland’s life sciences sector,” Dr Evans said.

“It’s been inspiring to read their accomplishments, and we are delighted that they come from right around Queensland,” she said.

“These awards showcase both the depth and potential of the sector, with finalists representing the full research journey, from discovery, to translation, through to commercialisation and biomanufacturing.”

“This year we announced a new award for emerging innovators, which highlights the pipeline of great companies coming through in Queensland.”

The Queensland Government’s Queensland Capabilities: Bright minds, bright bio-futures report estimates the annual gross value of the life sciences sector to be $2.2 billion, which includes an estimated $534.3 million annually in exports and $361 million annually in private manufacturing research and development (R&D) investment.

The Awards were presented today at an event at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre attended by industry leaders, investors, decision makers and researchers.

LSQ is the peak industry body that nurtures the Queensland life sciences sector, helping to mature and grow the organisations that feed, fuel and heal the world. We are the trusted advisor, advocate, enabler and connector for the sector.

Full list of GENE Award Finalists

Web listing of winners

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