Heads Up Start-ups!

New program to accelerate the growth of Queensland’s life sciences industry. Queensland Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp, today launches in Rockhampton LS Catalyst, a new initiative focused on supporting start-ups in the life sciences sectors.The program, funded by the Government’s Advance Queensland initiative, is open to regional and south-east Queensland start-ups and SMEs in the life sciences sectors that aim to help feed, fuel and heal the world. Sectors include human healthcare, animal health, agricultural and environmental biotechnology, marine biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology.LS Catalyst provides start-ups with opportunities at all stages of the innovation spectrum and aims to create a unique roadmap and a customised solution for each new idea.Acting CEO Clare Blain said LSQ will activate its established networks to ensure start-ups receive the support and guidance they need to foster their ideas.“Through the LS Catalyst program we will help link start-ups to valuable contacts and resources, providing them with both a national and international gateway.“Participants will be offered the opportunity to partner with experienced researchers, academics, and corporate leaders, via ongoing one-on-one mentoring programs and LSQ will host regional and sectoral networking events to help activate networks,” Ms Blain said.Representing over 190 members as a peak industry body, LSQ will partner with its members and work with existing networks — industry bodies, universities and private enterprise — to help connect, mentor, incubate, prepare and nurture start-ups. LSQ’s Deputy CEO, Dr Nagaraj Gopisetty will lead the LS Catalyst program and provide valuable guidance for participants.Rockhampton Region Mayor, Margaret Strelow said the program will shine a spotlight on the region as a hotspot for life science start-ups.“This is a fantastic opportunity for our local start-ups to get the assistance and mentoring they need to take their ideas and products to the next level and revolutionise the life sciences industry.“We are thrilled to have this program in Rockhampton and can’t wait to see what local ideas turn into reality as a result of this program,” Ms Strelow said.SmartHub Business Manager Elize Hattin said through the Memorandum of Understanding signed with LSQ, its members and startups can expect to benefit from expanding their outreach further into international markets.“The LS Catalyst program will complement existing SmartHub programs and initiatives and will help strengthen the local innovation ecosystem and position Rockhampton a key regional startup hub with global connections,” Ms Hattin said.Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp who is in Rockhampton, encouraged emerging enterprises to take advantage of the opportunities LS Catalyst provides.Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp, encouraged life sciences enterprises to get involved and take advantage of the opportunities LS Catalyst provides.“It’s hard to know what the next step is when you are just starting out in business or have a great idea or discovery. Catalyst’s new five-step program will help guide start-ups and put them in touch with smart people at the right time who will champion and nurture these businesses to help them achieve their aspirations.“Yet again, Queensland is the ‘State of First Choice’, and I am excited that Life Sciences Queensland has established a program to accelerate the growth of our life science and bio-futures sectors,” Ms Kemp said.For more information about LS Catalyst visit www.LSQ.com.au/LSCatalyst.

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