Meet our GENE Awards 2023 finalists

QIMR Berghofer Woman of Influence Award

This award recognises an individual woman for her endeavours, passion and dedication to the life sciences industry over her career.

Dr Farzaneh Ahmadi,

Prof. Sabina Knight,
James Cook University

Michelle Richards,
Translational Research Institute Australia (TRI)

Prof. Jennifer Stow,
Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
The University of Queensland

Silverstone Developments Company of the Year Award

This award is for an outstanding company that has demonstrated a wealth of impact across the life sciences sector in Queensland in the past year.

Clinical Trials, University of the Sunshine Coast

Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
The University of Queensland

Translational Research Institute Australia (TRI)


Rose-Anne Kelso Commemorative Award

In memory of Rose-Anne Kelso, this award was created by Life Sciences Queensland and Stockwell to recognise an individual woman's endeavours, passion and dedication to the health and life sciences industry.

Dr Martina Barzan,
Griffith University

Maree Beare,
Clinials Global

Dr Sandra Depelsenaire,

Dr Danielle Kamato,
Griffith University

Dr Sonia Shah,
Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
The University of Queensland

McCullough Robertson Industry Excellence Award

This award is presented to an individual who has made a significant impact to the success of the Queensland life sciences industry.

Dr Kym Baker,

Maree Beare,
Clinials Global

Samuel Jesuadian,

Dr Mark Kendall,

Prof. Rajiv Khanna,
QIMR Berghofer

A. Prof. Andreas Kupz,
Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM),
James Cook University

A. Prof. Mark Smythe,
CEO of Infensa Bioscience

Radium Capital Emerging Innovator Award

This award recognises early-stage ventures operating in the life sciences sector that have shown remarkable dedication and innovation in their research and development endeavours.

Cool Beans Underwear, Saara Jamieson & team

Infensa Bioscience,
A. Prof.
Mark Smythe & team

Dr Farzaneh Ahmadi
& team

Prof. Flavia Huygens
& team

Unite Global Technologies,
Kristy Lakin & team

Prof. Keith Chappell
& team

Merck Life Science Rural and Regional Service Award

This award recognises a person whose dedication contributes to the ongoing success and sustainability of rural and regional Queensland’s life sciences industry.

Prof. Gavin Ash,
University of Southern Queensland

Rouz Fard,
University of Southern Queensland

Prof. Andrew Krockenberger,
James Cook University

Prof. Bernadette McCabe,
University of Southern Queensland

SPARQ-ed team,
TRI and Queensland
Department of Education

Prof. Peter Timms,
University of the
Sunshine Coast

Prof. Eliza Whiteside,
University of Southern Queensland